Sunday, 27 March 2011

Mm'kay, so...

The last two or three months have been the hardest of my life, and I've no hesitation at all when thinking or saying that. No other problems have come close, ever. I've had more work than I've ever before had, and I've had trust squandered, and I've been missing more of my social life AND sleep almost than I can cope with.

However, I'm dealing with it. I got on the foundation course, so the work for art payed off. I'm on top of psychology, and in a week my photography teachers will love me, and the boots I flounce about in.

Socially, I'm making an effort... in easter, I'm planning an event or two, I stayed over at Hugo's on friday, and in the summer friends will come first. I've bounced back from an issue or two, and me and Soph are stronger than ever. I genuinely believe that we're a forever and ever couple now, and I'll not let anything but her own wishes get in the way of that.

Sleep is a problem, but I'm working on it... ;P

I still have a couple of months to match the last couple coming up, but I've struck a tenuous balance, and with a bit of thought and time on my part, by the summer, everything should be perfect again, or as close to perfect as possible.

Foundation, sorted. Me and Soph, perfect. Girls night in with emma, pub with sarah, organising a gig for Jacks band, going to see Wicked, driving lesson booked and spending time with a couple of people on weeknights. It's gonna be a good year, next year.

I'm the king of bottling, and I've a knighthood in bouncing back. I've a diploma in creating problems in every area of my life, and am due for a promotion in putting them right. The real world is fucked when I get there ;D

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