Sunday 17 July 2011

Projects etc

Dan Moles has asked me if I'd like to contribute to an art project he's doing. I've no idea whether he's looking at getting it published, or whether it's just for fun, but I've set myself the task of getting involved in as many art-based/related things as I can. I'm doing commissions and my foundation work at the moment, as well as getting sets reading to reproduce as prints for a new Etsy shop, so Dan's project is kind of a welcome break from working towards a goal of some sort.

I decided to plan a piece out for Dan's book, so that I can do more than one drawing overall, so that I can keep one and a bit of rough development work for it. I've a couple of progress shots below...

S'cool, I'd been starting to forget what it's like to do art for art's sake. ^^

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