Wednesday 30 March 2011

Laughing with...

The man with Jesus round' his neck, I envy,
For a man with Jesus has hope,
Where nothings looking up, and fucked is the foreseeable
fate of my loves, I see bullets, not doves.
The girl who believes herself saved, I'm happy for,
For I'd barter and bid for belief,
Like I have in what I can hold in my hands,
To be sure there'll be reason to smile
In a while.

Regina Spektors "Laughing with" always puts me in a mood to write pretentiously. Honestly though, much as I believe religion to be suspect, and much as I claim to be agnostic, I'd do such things to be sure of the security, in love, health, and happiness of the people I love most. Fuck... relationships make me unbelievably mushy. Well done Soph. -.-

Monday 28 March 2011

Folk stuff is brilliant for motivation...

Turns out I need help making little leaps towards getting my grades. Now, I'd not eschew Mumford & Sons from the "work" playlist for anything anyway, but they've just jumped right back up to the top, with a cover of Vampire Weekends "Cousins." It's fantastic. Fern Cotton was going on about hay bales and barn dances when I heard this on the radio down in art today, and whilst I'm never that interested in what a lot of radio presenters have to say, she was kinda spot on; Hay bales, barn dances, flagons and tabletop-jigs. It's great work music, and it got me through art AND a fair bit of photography today. It's been a productive day, in short, and it's all thanks to Marcus. He's a beaut'.

Tomorrow I've two lessons - art, and photography, in the afternoon, but I can't drive in because Mother dearest needs the car for work... which is annoying, but it's a little more justified than needing it for shenanigans. So, I'll be in from 10:30 to 2 before lessons even start, with only a 10 minute slot for PLD (personal learning and development... and no, it doesn't mean anything, and it isn't consequential). Mneh. Some field, some guitar, some snuggling, some milk, some tea and some mozart will be in order, for sure. :]

Sunday 27 March 2011

Mm'kay, so...

The last two or three months have been the hardest of my life, and I've no hesitation at all when thinking or saying that. No other problems have come close, ever. I've had more work than I've ever before had, and I've had trust squandered, and I've been missing more of my social life AND sleep almost than I can cope with.

However, I'm dealing with it. I got on the foundation course, so the work for art payed off. I'm on top of psychology, and in a week my photography teachers will love me, and the boots I flounce about in.

Socially, I'm making an effort... in easter, I'm planning an event or two, I stayed over at Hugo's on friday, and in the summer friends will come first. I've bounced back from an issue or two, and me and Soph are stronger than ever. I genuinely believe that we're a forever and ever couple now, and I'll not let anything but her own wishes get in the way of that.

Sleep is a problem, but I'm working on it... ;P

I still have a couple of months to match the last couple coming up, but I've struck a tenuous balance, and with a bit of thought and time on my part, by the summer, everything should be perfect again, or as close to perfect as possible.

Foundation, sorted. Me and Soph, perfect. Girls night in with emma, pub with sarah, organising a gig for Jacks band, going to see Wicked, driving lesson booked and spending time with a couple of people on weeknights. It's gonna be a good year, next year.

I'm the king of bottling, and I've a knighthood in bouncing back. I've a diploma in creating problems in every area of my life, and am due for a promotion in putting them right. The real world is fucked when I get there ;D

Diary stuff...

So, I got on the foundation course! :D Which is brilliant not only because I had no plan B, but because it's what I want to do more than anything else at all. On top of that, I spent four out of the past seven nights with the most amazing girl in the whole of forever and space and time and Ropley this week, had my first good pub lunch in the blazing sunshine, discovered Crabbies, had the first barbecue of the summer AND get to keep my Hugo bear on the foundation course with me... all in all, not a bad week. And, I did another video diary entry...

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Ahhhh. I'm actually shhhh- scared about tomorrow, and finding out whether or not I'm on the foundation course. Literally, I have NO IDEA what I'll do if I don't get on it. It's the only course that I want to do, apart from a uni art course... but I NEED this to get there in the first place.

Ah well... I'll just have to keep being scared. Mum has been ordered on pain of death NOT to open the envelope when it gets here in the post tomorrow. She might do anyways, but just in case I get on the course, I want the satisfaction of being the one who opened it.

I get to see Soph again tomorrow though... by the end of this week, Ill have spent 4 out of 7 nights with her. That's a fair bit of time... it's brilliant.

(Above - Wolf No.3, a preparation study for my portraiture project final outcome)

Monday 21 March 2011

Two birds...

And this is my Sophie... course' my drawing of her her doesn't even vaguely do justice to how truly beautiful she is... but by using this image, I have both shown her off, and uploaded a piece of half-good art onto this blog. Two birds, one stone. ;D

Hello again, blogger...

I'z back.

Okay, so I haven't had a personal blog for a while, so I'm a bit rusty at knowing what to write, or how much to write... I mean, I have a Tumblr (http://LightspeedLions.Tumblr.Com) but that used to be all reblogs, and is now all personal art.

So, I'll start with, current life situation -
  • Still in long term relationship with beautiful and perfect girlfriend/soulmate
  • Finally on top of art work
  • Photography work suspect, but manageable
  • Finding out wether or not I've been accepted onto foundation course this week
  • Will subsequently be going to the pub to commiserate/celebrate
  • Hais is returning to natural colour
  • Will pass driving test just after easter, so will be whisking Sophie away at start of summer instead of easter now
  • parents putting pressure on me for photography, but not too much
  • Got £350 worth of laavly art supplies now
  • Found a floor scarf. "Flaarf."
  • Got my Apple iMac, FINALLY
  • Discovered that I love milk, straight from the carton
  • Phone/MSN working again, so I can contact the outside world when at home again
  • Am still wildly head over heels for Soph... she's pretty perfect, y'know...
I have NO idea what to write now, so I'll just leave you guys with my current favourite song, by Noah and the Whale (writers of "5 years time," which unlike "Rockstar" by Nickelback didn't get worse with time...)