Sunday 17 April 2011


LOOK AT HOW CUTE WE ARE. :O This was taken before we were together, officially... and even then, we were fairly sickening to look at. It was awesome. *nods*

Something very odd happened today. God knows how we got onto the subject, but my parents told me they think I'll make a really good dad one day. Now, as a guy, I think the standard response to this is to usually, from now on, to go about my life wearing a full body condom, or something else similar. Actually, I was really happy to hear it.

Now, even if I do decide to have kids at some point, it wont come around for a good while yet. Still, my mums logic was based around the fact that she thinks I get on well with kids. I don't know about that, but I enjoy spending time with kids. When we finished our first language GCSE's in year 9, we went and taught spanish to a bunch of the younger kids at a primary school nearby. I was teaching spanish with a couple of the people from my class. Now, as far as I know, I was the only one asked back to do work experience at the school... and I'm not saying this to boast, but I'm trying to figure out why. When I was in primary school myself, I was a bit of an outcast. As a result of this, I used to sit at the front of the schoolbus with a couple of kids from my village called Miles and Eliot. I think I got on a lot better with those two 6 year younger kids than I did with 95% of my year at primary school.

I like talking to kids like grown ups, y'know? I don't offer them drinks of whisky or anything, or swear with every other syllable, or even at all I don't think... but aside from that, and aside from being as supportive and helpful as I can be, they get treated the same as everybody else, and they seem to respond really well to it.

I dunno. Would I be a good parent? I like to think so... though there'd be some degree of brainwashing. No child of mine will have a grade 1 haircut. No, they'll be raised listening to Doolittle and Hendrix, and they'll go to solstices, and they'll wear interesting clothes, and if they smoke when they grow up (I would do my utmost to stop them, obviously, but), they'd better smoke through a carved pipe. They WILL experience festivals, and they WILL be hippie kids.

I'll love them regardless, but... yeah, I am NOT having "stands-on-the-corner-throwing-beer-cans-at-oldies" kids. :P

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